Sunday, July 7, 2019

Challenging Energies and the Astrology for the week of July 8, 2019

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Mind, Body, & Soul Expo in Lincoln. I had a blast at my table. Thanks to all that stopped by for a reading or just to pick up my card.
Contact me at if you would like a tarot & oracle card reading.

Before we discuss the astrology of the coming week, let's check in how you feel after the new moon solar eclipse? Energized? Tired? Excited? Let me know in the comments. The energies of the eclipse last up to 6 months.

As we head into this week, Mercury just went retrograde at 4 degrees of Leo on July 7. I am already feeling its influence as I write this post. Mercury governs communication and the means of communication (technology).  When it goes retrograde, or moves backwards, communication slows down. Technology like phones, laptops, and other electronic devices can go haywire. It is not a good time to sign contracts either because details in contracts may be inaccurate. Read the fine print carefully if you have to sign a lease or contract. Mercury's retrograde lasts until July 31.

In addition to the retrograde, we have several other aspects this week that will produce challenging energies for us. Some are in the areas of communication, but also internal emotional aspects. Being informed and prepared for these energies may help you navigate or avoid the emotional triggers.

Monday, July 8, Mercury conjuncts (connects) with Mars and they each intensify the other's energy. Both planets are in Leo. Mars the fire planet in a fire sign. Mars likes action and moving things forward but he will be a bit frustrated with Mercury in retrograde. Mercury's element is air and governs thoughts, ideas, and expression of those thoughts. The positive aspect of this connection is that the mind may be active with new ideas or go into a creative or artistic phase.

On Tuesday, July 9, the Sun (in Cancer) opposes Saturn (in Capricorn). Saturn is the teacher or authority figure that wants to restrict our movement forward until we have thoroughly learned our lesson. The Sun (in Cancer) is warm vitality in the home and family sign of the Zodiac but this clash with Saturn is not comfortable. If you are drawn into an argument with another person, especially a person of authority, or a difficult situation arises at home or work, then your challenge is to see the argument from the other person's perspective. This person or situation may be mirroring an aspect of you that needs to be healed. Pay attention and don't get drawn into the drama.  This aspect and energy will last until July 15.

Thankfully at mid-week, we have a positive aspect on July 10, when the Sun trines Neptune. Look for opportunities to practice your intuitive skills, use your imagination, or work on your artistic potential, go for it!

Thursday, July 11 Mars (Leo) and Uranus (Taurus) are in a Square. When planets fall into a square aspect in the zodiac, it means that they are challenging each other and producing an obstacle in an area of your zodiac chart that needs to be addressed. Square's make this uncomfortable for us so that we take an action to change the situation. Mars the planet of bold action, assertiveness, power, sex, and Uranus is the planet that rules unexpected change and the inner power of our purpose in life. Both are fire planets and both are power planets. 

So when these two planets square off, there will be intense energies triggering feelings of freedom. Freedom will clash with obligation and may cause impatience,tension, and bring out  a combative nature in people. Something unexpected may happen under the influence of Uranus. Under this aspect it is good to stay grounded, breath and meditate. This aspect will have influence on a global level. Watch the news to see what happens.

On Sunday, July 14  Sun (in Cancer) now opposes Pluto (in Capricorn). Pluto rules transformation and this aspect signals a need to look at ourselves differently. How do others see me? Am I presenting myself in the best light? Am I letting my light shine? This opposition may make us review our own character, but it can also shine a light on selfishness and antisocial behavior.

This is a heavy week. I will repeat practice good self care by staying grounded, breath, and meditate. Be careful with your communication this week. Don't send the angry text message. Try to surround yourself with healing energy and send that to others.

Hang in there!
Three Feathers Spiritual Wisdom

PS Contact me at if you would like a tarot & oracle card reading.

Visit my FB page to see the intuitive tarot message of the week.

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