Sunday, October 6, 2019

Relationships & Money, Themes of the Week in Astrology, October 7-13

Dear Friends

The planetary aspects over the next week will center around a couple of different areas for everyone -- personal resources and personal relationships. Love & Money! The other thing to know about this is that some of the other planets that hung out with the Sun in Libra are beginning to move into Scorpio. Libra is about balance and diplomacy, but Scorpio wants you to go down into the deep depths of your being (yeah the dark places inside) and really work on your issues by bringing them up and out into the light.

So we start off the week  (Sunday/Monday) Oct 6-7, with Mercury (at 5 degrees Scorpio) opposing Uranus (retrograde at 5 degrees Taurus). This is about unexpected or out of the blue communication. It could be about a fast moving situation or multiple messages coming one right after the other. Because Uranus is in Taurus, that communication may be about money, resources, or the financial system. Hmmmm

Also on Monday, the Sun (which is still in Libra) is in a square/challenging aspect to Saturn (in Capricorn). This may lead to feeling like obstacles or challenges are being imposed that need to be overcome. This aspect lasts until Oct. 14.

On Tuesday, Oct. 8, Venus moves from Libra into Scorpio. Venus rules both personal resources and relationships and as she enter Scorpio, we are going to be asked to go below the superficial. We may need to dig very deep when it comes to issues within our relationships or resources. Scorpio wants you to get at the root of the matter. Why are you still working in the same patterns?  For example, if you are struggling financially, what is the deeper issue going on?

On Saturday, Oct. 12, Venus opposes Uranus. Something in your love life/relationships or finances may suddenly change. Uranus rules sudden and fast change (like a flash of lightning!) and as mentioned above Venus rules relationships and finances. It is important to stay focused on your relationships and resources today.

The week closes on Sunday, Oct. 13 with a full moon in Aries. Full moons are about completion or endings and Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac (where it begins). Aries also symbolizes new beginnings. This moon will also be in a square/challenging aspect to Pluto and a trine aspect to Jupiter.

The Moon - Pluto aspect may produce extreme emotional reactions to changes. Buried feelings of an unpleasant nature may surface. Jealousy, racism, fears, phobias, etc. may arise. Luckily the other aspect, the Moon in trine to Jupiter mitigates some of the energy of the the Moon/Pluto square. The energy of the trine is optimism and open-mindedness. So the buried feelings within a relationship can be shared instead to transform a relationship for the better. My advice is to navigate these energies with care. The full moon can be powerful at uncovering what needs to be healed in a relationship, but the square can potentially ruin the process if emotional reactions push others into a defensive posture. Try to be open minded and listen with compassion.

Good Luck this week and many blessings.
Joan Barnes
Three Feathers Spiritual Wisdom

On October 19, I will be at the Grand Island 2nd Annual Holistic Expo at the Heartlands Event Center, 700 E. Stolley Park Rd, Grand Island, NE. I will be doing 20 minute Tarot/Oracle card readings for $30.

Check out my Facebook page, where I post a daily card and if you want a personal reading, contact me at

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