Sunday, November 17, 2019

Cosmic Bodies on the Move, Weekly Astrology Forecast, Nov 18-24, 2019

Hello Folks!
I hope you enjoyed last week's energy and opportunities. This week will be intense overall as the Sun and Mars move signs, Mercury goes direct, and Mars opposes Uranus later in the week. We will also end the week with another planet on the verge of shifting into another sign. The transitions that the cosmic bodies make in the last degree of one house on the zodiac wheel into the first degree of the next house are intense energy shifts. Buckle your seat belt.

We start out on Tuesday, Nov. 19, with Mars moving from Libra into Scorpio. Mars is the the ruler of Aries, but it was once the ruler of Scorpio before the planet Pluto was discovered. Mars was tempered by Libra's energy, so now in Scorpio it can expand its fiery forward movement where it feel more "at home." The type of energy you will encounter is Mars helping us move forward with emotional resolutions to what we uncovered or dug up while the Sun, Moon, and other planets transited Scorpio. Mars will be there to help us "work it" in a more quiet way, but still effective in moving us through the deep stuff we uncovered.

On Wednesday, Nov. 20, the good news is that Mercury goes into direct motion at 11 degrees of Scorpio. I would give it several days before you sign contracts or buy electronics, but this is the start of Mercury moving forward. Mercury will still be transiting Scorpio for a while, so just be aware of how you communicate emotions or emotional topics.

The Sun moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius on Friday, Nov. 22. Sagittarius is optimistic, freedom-loving, ambitious, open to new ideas and exploration. The ruling planet is Jupiter and the planet of good fortune, expansion and abundance. Jupiter has been its home sign since last November and will move into Capricorn on December 2. A great boost of positive energy at the end of the week.

On Sunday, Nov. 24, several aspects shape up for the day. The first is that Venus in Sagittarius conjuncts Jupiter also in Sagittarius. Both Venus and Jupiter are benefic planets.There is huge potential for tangible blessings, possibly in a relationship or with money. 

The second aspect is not so positive when Mars (in Scorpio) opposes Uranus (in Taurus). Mars is energetic, wants to move forward, while Uranus is like lightning, throwing the unexpected flash of energy into the mix. There might be some irritability, impatience and intolerance. I would watch out for anything to do with money. Venus rules money and Taurus, the house Uranus is transiting, is all about earthly material and resources. Does an unexpected expense come out of the blue?

Lastly, on Sunday, Venus is in the last degree of Sagittarius and will be moving into Capricorn on Monday. This means her energy in that last degree is especially potent. It might make the other aspects happening on that day very interesting.

Blessings for a good week!

Joan Barnes
Three Feathers Spiritual Wisdom

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