Sunday, November 10, 2019

Transformation Energies, Astrology of the Week, Nov 11-17, 2019

Hello Folks!
What a great week this is going to be astrologically. There will be some intense energies but they come with the opportunity for all of us to transform ourselves and the environment around us. As I look over the week, which I outlined below, I see a definite story being played from the inside to the outside. The Sun and Mercury (in retrograde) are still in Scorpio. Pluto and Saturn are in Capricorn. Neptune is in Pisces, and Venus is in Sagittarius. The Moon moves quickly through the zodiac, so I will indicate its location with each aspect below.

We start with something deep inside being revealed and illuminated into our consciousness on Monday, November 11, with the Sun conjunct with Mercury. A conjunction between two cosmic bodies results in the intensification of their energies. On top of that both are in Scorpio. So not only do they intensify their individual energies they boost it in a Scorpionic way. This could be an ah-ha moment.

So what deep thoughts, internal programming or values will come up from the unconscious into the light of awareness for you? What will you do with it when you become aware? Release it under the Full Moon perhaps?

Then we sail into a jam packed Tuesday, Nov. 12, with the Full Moon and two aspects (one negative and one positive) to that Moon. The full moon is at 19 degrees of Taurus. The full moon gives us an opportunity to bring something to completion or to release something from our lives. The issue here is that Taurus is a fixed sign and doesn't like to let go of anything. It is being pushed by the other aspects, especially the Sun and Mercury, as the Moon is in opposition to Mercury. This opposition aspect is really pushing us to look at what we value in the material world -- the luxuries that we enjoy. Are you enjoying the material world (too much money, food, sex, stuff) to excess? Does that support the spiritual side of you? The soul/spirit is asking us to have discipline and bring balance to our lives between the material and soul. Taurus may resist but we have other energetic support in the Full Moon Trine to Pluto aspect also happening on Tuesday. Pluto is the ruler of symbolic death and rebirth. This full moon and its aspects bring incredible opportunities for seismic transformation in ourselves and our lives.

On Wednesday, Nov. 13, we have the energies of three more interesting aspects.
First Mercury Trines Neptune, so that might trigger or fine tune your psychic abilities. It may also help your intuition when it comes to determining what motives people have around you. Listen carefully to your intuition. The second aspect of the day is that Mercury is in Sextile to Saturn -- look for the opportunity to manifest (make something happen) in your life. Lastly, the Sun is also having Sextile with Pluto -- you are feeling confident about transformation. Perhaps you have figured out your path and purpose.

Venus is in a Square, or challenging aspect, to Neptune on Thursday, Nov. 14. Perhaps a relationship in your life is not based in reality. Be careful of deception, of the self and by others. There could also be money issues here too.

There you have it. Opportunities to grow and transform as a person and community. My hope is that by knowing about the energies you can take advantage of them. You are not a victim, you can ride the energy waves.

Cheers & Blessing to you for a great week!
Joan Barnes
Three Feathers Spiritual Wisdom


  1. What a positive week ahead! I always enjoy reading your blogs. Thanks so much for posting all of your wisdom!
